A mobile platform that provides 360 degree enhanced situational awareness to firefighting assets.

Coordination lag by providing real time, interactive, unobtrusive asset monitoring and management tools.


And close to Ground Zero by turning deployed assets into smart, ultra localized data collection points.


Strategic efficiency by analyzing the collected data and providing accurate fire behavior predictions.


ASPIS project's significance is the fact that it extends beyond the digital world and applies on a physical level to real world scenarios. Because of that, the hosted mobile application is only a fraction of the picture and will not entirely resemble the Proof of Concept displayed on the video.

All 3 endpoints (Server, Wearable, Command Module) need to be established prior to the data link establishing key points of interest (GPS coordinates of deployed assets, fire location, weather data etc). The Proof of Concept scenario was developed in real life conditions with real firemen, real weather data and the algorithmic results provided by the behavior modeling. We do not simulate these assets within the application simply because we had access to them on a physical level.


Air Force
Hellenic Air Force

The Hellenic Air Force has been assisting us from the get go by granting us access to highly accurate and detailed, real time weather data.

Fire Service
Hellenic Fire Service

ASPIS has an active co-operation with the Special Forces (EMAK) of the Hellenic Fire Service. The fire service has pledged their support, consulting and assets in support of ASPIS ‘s development.

Meteorological Service
Hellenic National Meteorological Service (HNMS)

HNMS is actively supporting ASPIS by providing consultation for our fire behavior and fire spread models so that they can be as accurate as possible.

The team

Stavros Moysidis
Project Manager

George Kortsaridis

Stefanos Stogioudis
Physicist - Meteorologist